JBuzz February 6, 2012: Tu B’Shvat 2012: Ecology Study Opportunities




Tu B’Shvat Ecology Study Opportunities, 2012

Source: Green Prophet, 2-6-12

sviva israel childrenThe 15th day of the Jewish month of Shavat signals the launching of new Jewish eco-education programs. A potent mystical, ecological, legal and historical mix  runs through Tu B’Shvat, a date known as the New Year For The Trees.

For more on the meaning of Tu B’Shvat, read this post. According to Jewish tradition, it’s the day on which each tree is judged as to the amount of water it will receive over the year. It’s also the cut-off date when determining the age of the tree. As man is compared to “the tree of the field,”  Tu B’Shvat is a good day to inaugurate ecology studies. Jewcology’s Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment.

Jewcology, a project which provides materials and tools to support the Jewish environmental movement, announced today that it will launch a “Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment” from Tu b’Shevat 5772 until Tu b’Shevat 5773.  (Feb. 7-8, 2012 – Jan. 25-26, 2013). Jewcology will launch the resources in coordination with Canfei Nesharim, its parent organization. Jewcology invites Jewish organizations, including websites, publications, and communities, to join its “Year of Jewish Learning on the Environment.” To learn more  and for a full schedule of topics and posting dates, email info@jewcology.com.

Sviva Israel’s Eco Connection programs in 15 different cities  in Israel, the United States and South Africa.

Implemented in over 50 schools in Israel and the U.S.A, Sviva Israel partners schools to learn together how they impact the environment. We ensure the success of the Eco Connection with teacher training and onsite support and exciting workshops from our staff throughout the school year.

The curriculum includes lessons on the Ecological Footprint, Jewish Environmental traditions and Israeli Clean-Tech innovations, workshops on Judaism and the Environment, Alternative Energy, Eco crafts, video conferences and joint events for visiting students.

Learn how your school or community can join the Eco Connection, the largest global environmental network of Jewish schools. Contact: Carmi Wisemon, Executive Director, Carmi@svivaisrael.org Tel. 1-212- 444-1504

This year, Tu B’Shvat falls this coming Tuesday night, the 7th of February, lasting through Wednesday.

More on environmental education in Israel, and Tu B’Shvat: